Images live of transmission. They transmit themselves and are transmitted in a socio-anthropological and media technological sense. The lively presence of images owes itself to the idea of magic mediation as well as to the palpable media of transmission, that images need for entering into evidence and starting their migration. Like nomads, images move from place to place, from the imaginary to the medial forth and back, from man to man, from one culture to another. As a result of this high transfer potential, images have been substantially contributing to cultural exchanges. In this function they were highly stimulated by the development of new electronic image transmission techniques. The more transcultural images are circulating, the more intensive are the exchanges and interrelations between different cultures, also those between image cultures. The increasingly image-based transmission of culture, that culminates in the idea of a global visual culture, provokes reflections about the cultural codification of images. What happens if images and visual media enter into a representational system, that is, relating to its image and media culture, differently codified. The conference Transmission Image examines the cultural transfer potential of and through images. The attention will be directed to images and visual media as cultural transmitters, while keeping close to them as envoys, messengers, missionaries, diplomats and negotiators as well as refugees and expellees, tracing out images and their media between imagination and migration. The clash of and the mediation between different image cultures occurs primarily, where people are traveling, discovering, conquering, colonizing, missionizing, migrating and transnationalyzing. Accordingly, the various clashes and fusions extend from colonial to global image contexts: What kind of contacts do local image traditions and practices establish with imported ones, let them be imposed or taken over voluntarily? How do they instrumentalize western images and visual media? In which way is the relation between image and medium shifting within the transmission process? What forms of interpictoriality are emerging? Which media are crossing points for the development of new transcultural image codes and image genres like for example Bollywood and Japanimation? The conference searches to answer these questions by involving a cultural and media anthropological perspective on images. It reverts to the discussions brought up with the conference Migrating Images, which was held in November 2003 in the House of World Cultures. Concept, coordination and contact: Dr. Birgit Mersmann Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe Institut für Kunstwissenschaft und Medientheorie Graduiertenkolleg Bild, Körper, Medium Lorenzstr. 15 76 135 Karlsruhe Tel. +49 721 82032281 Fax: +49 721 82032276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Programme Friday, 27. February 2004: 10.00 10.30
Welcoming Speech: Peter C. Seel, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin Hans Belting, Northwestern University of Chicago/Academy of Arts and New Media, Karlsruhe Introduction: Birgit Mersmann 10.30 13.00 TRANSMIGRATING: MASS MEDIA IMAGES AS GLOBETROTTERS
Heike Behrend, University of Cologne Imagining the Local and the Global: Photocollages of Ugandan Popular Artists Hans Belting, Northwestern University of Chicago/Academy of Arts and New Media, Karlsruhe Art in the TV Age: Thoughts on Global Art and Local Art History Karim Traore, University of Georgia, Athens The Horn Blowing Rooster: African Filmmakers on the Move 14.30 16.00
TRANSMOGRIFYING: IMAGES AS INTERCULTURAL TRANSMITTERS Martin Gieselmann, University of Heidelberg What do we see when Leslie performs? The Reception of the Hong Kong Star between East and West Alexandra Schneider, Freie University of Berlin Global Bollywood? Transmission and Transcultural Images in Popular Hindi Cinema 16.30 18.00
TRANSUBSTANTIATING: IMAGES AS MAGIC MEDIA Iris Därmann, University of Lüneburg Obsessive Pictures in Motion Ilka Herrmann, Academy of Arts and New Media, Karlsruhe The Photograph as a Relic of the Body Saturday, 28. February 2004:
10.00 13.00 TRANSPIRING: IMAGES AS AGENTS OF POLITICS, RELIGION AND KNOWLEDGE Thomas Cummins, Harvard University Tunis in Tapestries, Titian in Feathers: Images as Agents around the World in the Sixteenth Century Simone Grießmayer, University of Heidelberg Spreading the Word with Ink and Brush Chinese Christian Images Markus Buschhaus, University of Düsseldorf Cultures of Knowledge: Medical Imaging Technologies and the Transmission of Pictures into the Anatomical Atlas 14.00 17.00
TRANSPLANTING: IMAGES BETWEEN ADMISSION AND DISMISSAL Misook Song, Sungshin Womens University, Seoul Hybrid Images in Korean Contemporary Art Irit Rogoff, Goldsmith College, London Conference title to be announced Beat Wyss, University of Stuttgart News from Eurotopia. Moholy Nagys failed Bauhaus-Mission in Postwar USA 17.00 18.00
TRANSCENDING Resumé Chair: Hans Belting and Beat Wyss