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Home/virtual HKW/Theme rooms
New Perspectives from India

A group of renowned Indian curators had put the fall programme 2003 at the House of World Cultures. From 19 September to 16 November, „ - New Perspectives from India“ presented, for the first time in Germany, a comprehensive overview of the contemporary Indian art scene ranging from performance, concerts, conferences, films, readings to youth Workshops. At the heart of this unique event were two major exhibitions featuring India's visual culture: Indian Popular Culture. 'The Conquest of the World as Picture', which had placed the development of the iconography of everyday Indian life in its cultural and historical context. By way of contrast, subTerrain: artworks in the cityfold, focused on contemporary Indian art.
The India-project was unique in Germany due to its inter-disciplinary approach and thanks to the close co-operation between Indian and German curators and artists. It was part of the Asia-Pacific-Weeks organised by the Berlin Senate which had chosen India as the focus of attention. on the net