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The great summer music festival

In the summer of 2003 the House of World Cultures' has presented for the second time the new summer music festival popdeurope. With weekend Concerts on the Roof, Club Nights and a Summer Music Camp for young people, popdeurope focused on sounds and inspirations originating outside Europe which has been now an integral part of the European musical world: Indian break beats from England, West African soul from Portugal, Brazilian grooves from Andalusia or Turkish hip-hop from Berlin. Popdeurope 2003 presented the "Sounds of the City", the newest trends and fusions from the cities of Europe.
The festival has broaden the customary framework of the pop festival as a casually organised series of live concerts to include workshops, films, lectures, discussions and work with children. It has created focal points by exploring the musical universes of individual artists, examining the programmes of other European festivals and getting artists to work together under its roof.
popdeurope on the net